Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life


My moment happened a bit later than some people (age 26). Nonetheless, I am happy it happened now and not never, because some people never truly learn to appreciate themselves and their life.

Insecurities: I have always been told I was too slim and that I had a big nose. I also was not very confrontational, and allowed be to get away with doing as they pleased to me. I kept comparing my appearance with others, and didn't believe I was beautiful. I wanted to be popular after I made some changes to my appearance, and I was achieving a lot academically and financially. Yet, I was treated the same. People still found flaws in my appearance, I was used for the way I looked, for my money and the things I had access to. I realize that self acceptance starts, and end with me. I had to learn how to truly love myself. It was a process that took about 2 years, but i am content with who I am. I do not need others to justify me for what they think I am, I know myself best.

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life

My Crowning moment: I went through depression, and overcame it after learning that my bff was raped, and she attempted suicide. We were both sexually abused as children, and I felt it was so unfair that this had happened to her again, in her adult life. Once again, by someone she trusted, a friend.

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life

The stress of the situation resulted in my failure and dismissal from my undergrad program.

I lost all of my so called friends, people looked down on me. However, I had to find the strength to get up and succeed for me. After all if I didn't fight for myself, who will?

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life

Later that year I notice that I gave people and men too much power over me. Different men, same results. Therefore, I was the problem.

I began a path that would reward me happiness, peace of mind, and little drama. I became aggressive with my goals, and I rewarded myself according, as I accomplished them. i have fallen in love with me by living a more fulfilling, selfless life. I stopped letting my experiences define me. I defined myself, and my experiences. I started a business, I worked hard and most of all I kept a positive attitude and I was unapologetic of cutting people, and things off that didn't add to the movement.

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life

This was tested after I had to let go a 14 year old friendship and a 10 year old lover-boy relationship. I was good friends with an ex boyfriend, and he stayed at my place a few sex. I confided in a close friend that I did not know he was dating my other friend. Anyways, I immediately became public enemy number one, because she later went and told his girlfriend, he then confronted me.

Dazed and confused I pondered heavily on who could have been the culprit. Neither my sister or my cousin would have done it, no, not one of my closest friend. I was patient and eventually the truth was revealed, and all hell broke loose. I confronted both parties about their betrayal, and they both could not accept that we were all wrong to some extent, and try to talk it out as adults. Hard to say, I had to make the tough decision to let everyone in the situation go, because I came to terms that I am worth the best.

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life

I am to be respected, loved, appreciated, cared for genuinely. The value of my friendships are not solely based on the number of friends that I have, but the quality of the friendship we share. Neither of us are better than the other, the roles are equal, this isn't a hierarchical system, where one friend is considered more than the other because of their profession, or paycheck. Since then, I have encouraged others to find their crowning moment..define it and stay on that path to a life with little stress, fulfillment, happiness, and appreciation. Do not tolerate disrespect.

We live in a world where people equate wealth with happiness, and gratification. Hence, the reason everyone is so quick to share every minute detail of their life on social media. What if all of this internet fame and solidarity is just a phase ? Stop comparing your life to others, love yourself and your life for what it is. You know your true potential, grind hard until you've reach your destination, but never forget to show gratitude. Patience is key, for anyone who has patience, has everything.
All the best on your journey to becoming a better, happier you.

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life

Through the Looking Glass: I've Matured, and I'm Finally Satisfied With My Life
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