What it Means to Take the Red Pill

Last semester I was taking the calculus II, physics and advanced chemistry (II) courses. During that time, probably due to the mechanical/dull nature of all three courses I started taking interest in male and female nature, as a hobby, in both biological and psychological terms. That inspired me to write few takes about female and male nature.

So to know where I stand in this you'd probably have to read up at least a couple of those takes, on my old account. I'll reference three of them here::

Emotional Fulfillment: What Women Are Really Looking For In Relationships, Part 1

Emotional Fulfillment: What Women Are Really Looking For In Relationships, Part 2

Male Nourishment: What Men are Really Looking For in Relationships

In retrospect, even though I internally knew many of the things I wrote about based on personal experience, I was until that point unable to articulate.

What do those MyTakes have in common? That's me taking The Red Pill.

What it is to take The Red Pill

What is The Red Pill?

It's a metaphor, most probably taken from The Matrix movie. Based on the scene when Morpheous offers Neo two choices of pills. The red pill, which would be a completely different reality than what he knows/or has been indoctrinated to believe, and another where he continues on with his life ignoring whatever it is that the red pill holds. Ultimately, Neo chooses the red pill and realize he lived in a lie, and things weren't as he thought they were.

What it Means to Take the Red Pill

I'm just going to take the definition of taking The Red Pill from urbandictionary because, eh whatever:

"Signifies the recognition of the true nature of female behavior, including her attraction to traits of dominance, preference for men with status, attraction to men who have been pre-selected by other women, and hypergamous nature. Red Pill men are aware that women are strongly influenced by the culture and that their attraction cues are often outside of their conscious awareness. Increasingly, modern women, and especially Western women, indulge in one-night stands and short-term relationship in their 20's with alpha males, followed by seeking out a beta male provider in their late 20's and early 30's. Red Pill men are aware of this phenomenon and develop a sexual strategy to benefit from a woman's promiscuity as well as avoid the financial peril of marriage. Married men can also be Red Pill, as their awareness helps them handle female shit tests and maintain attraction with their partner.

A man who has taken the Red Pill is committed to self-improvement and adapting to the reality of female behavior whether that be through the application of game in his relationships and/or withdrawing from LTRs.
Taking the Red Pill is typically followed by more success in relationships and interactions with women."

I know I know... all of that piece is a very crude and simplistic way to put it. But to be fair is not that far off from reality.

But anyways, what are the strategies that Red Pill men choose to move forward from such realization? To avoid confusion, I will share an image that explains -briefly/superficially- each one of them.

What it Means to Take the Red Pill

A big part of becoming a MGTOW or being part of the MRA comes from a direct response to feminism, or rather radical feminism that has become the norm. But actually, what feminists have revealed to all these men is a very intrinsic nature that women carry (just as us men do) that has always been there BUT protected within a system that sustains it at full force, while it earns profit at the expense of the males.

What it Means to Take the Red Pill

Now in this specific part is where I fit in, even though I don't consider myself to be none of the terms described above I am certainly a Red Pill in the sense that I won't marry, and that I am by even further reasons of female nature against a State that actively involves itself, and benefits in the affairs of a couple. By all means. So I may or may not agree or disagree with whatever any of those groups are doing but I sure support what all those groups ultimately preach: Don't fucking marry.

If we go down to the statistics (I'm 28, by the way lol) 70% of men aged 20-34 aren't married. So yeah, I'm pretty sure I am not alone in this. There's an expectancy of marriage to decrease further in the upcoming years. 50% of men in the United States are never marrying, so if the expectancy is correct much less than half men in USA, in the next ten years or so, are not going to marry. That also does not account divorces which as we know are going up.

What the statistics reflect is a logical step. When you put things in a balance it doesn't add up. Other than saving yourself a few taxes (is that really a reason to marry, anyways?) there is no benefit for a man to marry.

I am not interested right now in debating ALL of the points why I believe you should not marry. Because after all that is YOUR choice. You let me do my thing, and live my life how I want to and you can also do whatever it is that you want. Just remember over 80% of divorces are started by women, so if you think there are little chances of getting fucked over in court because your SO is not like the other women, then fine. I'm not going to convince you she is and give a bitter and pointless lecture on how evil women are and how your life will be destroyed. That's not for me to say. All I know is the following:

What it Means to Take the Red Pill

I'll give you one example when my one of my closest friends got divorced (last year). The courts gave his wive a significant portion of his income in child support. About the same as his own house payment. I know that sucks, it's unfair by default. My friend was extremely pissed and depressed, but then we sat down...

We did the math and realized it was a good thousand bucks less than she was consistently spending out of their joint account every month. The joke here is, and this was a realization for me at the time, when you're divorced she only has access to half your paycheck.

Wives are so insanely fucking expensive, triply so if you have kids with them. Men who haven't been there can't even imagine themselves. And lets just say my friend got out fairly saved. He lost a lot of money, and still losing when you think about it, but the divorce did not ruined him as it has ruined many other men. I'm just giving you an objective point of view here.

As for me, just as my friend will never marry again (he's 34), I am sure as hell never walking that path. I have read in detail divorce laws, and when people mention a few of the "perks" to marriage like hospital visits and a couple of tax savings, social perception and such, it's just mind boggling to me because people accept great risk for minimum benefits, and an idealized version of love, and getting their turn in playing Russian Roulette. Not even mentioning is a completely gynocentric contract and tosses male nature out of window, so the moment you marry you lost the game and your head is up to your wife and the State. But hey, I'm just beating the dead horse here and you don't have to listen to me.

What it Means to Take the Red Pill

So that, in essence, is what being a Red Piller is. If you think you are described, at least similarly to what I showed you here, chances are you are a Red Pill. Knowledge of things pretty much have corrupted you at this point, and it is pretty hard to go back to being a blue pill. If you do not fit with the stuff here then you are a blue pill. You still hold idealistic ideas on women, relationships and marriage and there is also nothing wrong with that given we've ALL been there... until we were kicked in the nuts.

What it Means to Take the Red Pill
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