Just by looking at my body, would you have thought I actually went to gym? (Pics included)

First off, I'm not asking for ur ratings but if you want to go ahead I could careless. My main question is basically the question title.

Anyways, I'm one of those females who have been blessed with a body without having to go to the gym to build it. Most of it is purely genetics. I would have to say about 90% of the people i meet believe my body comes from hardwork when that isn't really the case. When I tell them I don't gym, most can't believe it lol. ... Sometimes I do lie and say I do gym because its asounds sexier :p but is it cooler to say it's natural lol?

And although I was blessed, I know your figure won't always last as to why I do try to tone my body once in a while.

Yes, it looks like you workout
No, I'd think you were just born like that
I'd actually be confuse whether you work hard for it o whether you was truly born with it.
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didn't mean to embed them smh. Pics will be taken down after a day. Thanks :)
Just by looking at my body, would you have thought I actually went to gym? (Pics included)
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