Can a girl touch my body with acne?

I have acne. Severe acne. Body acne but not your average acne guy. Probably thousands covering my face. They're not big. Most of them can't be felt. For 7 years and I have changed opinion so so so much.

From being shy and quiet. (Watch "he was a quiet man")

Then desperation to attract girls.

Then wanting revenge on them like rejecting them or using them sexually.

Then my face cleared up at least 70% but it got back to 50% and 50% is still called severe. So now I had hope for 1-2 years up to college first semester.

Then I started feeling insecure. Not shy or quiet but insecure.

Then having hopes again and at the end insecurity hits me when I thought I beaten my insecurity by going to the beach alone with no shirt, running with no shirt. It still hits me. I don't think having acne is the problem. Is finding one that wants to feel your skin. I am sure I am not filled up with a girl just wanting to hang out with me, talk to me, help me but still not touching me.

So about months ago I thought of aislaiting from friends and mostly girls. Convincing me I can live alone which I could but I think having acne showed up that it's something like my destiny to get a girl to feel attracted to me even with acne. To be the best I can be with the worst case scenario. I'm to the point where I feel I CAN'T do anything else to improve my looks so I guess it's over. I just have to keep looking for something so f rare these days and I'm scared. I'm not scared of not getting a girlfriend but scared of how much it will take. How many rejections I will have to accept. How much time will be wasted not even making friends with the girls I talk but I'm willing to see if I can get someone to go through everything bad that happens naturally and feel what I have been working so hard. Not just my personal house gym but overall. Hair, skin, teeth etc. I feel better now because of that but still it's not enough. I hope there is someone. I'll die inside if I fail before my acne clears up. I can't go back so I'm giving everything.

Is there someone? I'm 100% there is but not 100% if I'll find it.
Can a girl touch my body with acne?

Can a girl touch my body with acne?

Can a girl touch my body with acne?

Can a girl touch my body with acne?
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