Whats your view on plus sized models?

I feel like nowadays its almost compulsory to accept everyone around you in a positive and constructive way, which I feel to be correct. The issue I see in this movement is the plus sized modeling craze at the moment.

Listen, I'm not saying that if you are plus sized you're gross and that you should feel bad, I'm saying that advertising companies are unnecessarily shoving the acceptance of extreme obesity down children's throats.

I mean come on, can't we teach children to be healthy instead of strive for 'sexy'(in both extremes)? Not long ago (maybe two years) I had an obese friend who was often called 'perfect' and 'sexy' by other teenagers our age. It came to a point that I, with a healthy bmi of about 20, was being body shamed for being too skinny because, which not even my boyfriend argued because that would be making our overweight friends feel bad or something.

If people cannot speak out about their beliefs because of others feelings, can one say that this is bullshit?

Look at Tess Holiday, she looks to me to be morbidly obese. If anyone can say that this is what we should be striving for, I fear for the generations to come.

Everyone reading this can you please remember that everyone is beautiful, no matter their sizes, just a recap: people should teach others to aspire to be healthy and not fat.

And yes I know this is a shit thing to right about and it makes me sound stupid, but hey, freedom of speech right? :)
Whats your view on plus sized models?
Post Opinion