5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable


You Are Not Enough

5 Believes That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable

Running on this treadmill you think in your head " I am not enough" and every time you feel that pain, that sting, you push harder you fight stronger until you ran five miles when a month ago you struggled through one.

This mantra will always push you to be better no matter how good you get. The world is not enough. You want the stars and the moon.

This is perfect if you were created in a lab to be a superhuman, but the problem is that you're constantly stabbing yourself in the heart in order to kick your adrenaline into gear. It's the realistic equivalent of using blood magic for the nerds in the building. Yes you become superhuman but at the cost of your own joy...which sort of defeats the purpose.

When You Stop Striving For Perfection You Might As Well Be Dead

5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable

You finally got into a relationship with that gorgeous person, but then an even more gorgeous person catches your eye. Slowly, you shift your focus your charms, your romance, yourself is all aimed at her/him. People call you soulless and yet none of those people have nearly the same high success rate you have why? because you go after what you want and you don't care to apologize to anyone for it. It's your life they don't get a say.

Only perfection is an ideal not a concrete thing that exists. You'll never get it and while it's admirable that you run the rat race the fact that you can't see that you're never getting the cheese and if you did you wouldn't know what to do with it because all you know is the race is pretty sad to the rest of us.

The Only Thing That Matters Is How It Ends

5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable

This is much like "win at all costs." No matter what you have to do to get the job done, you do it and feel bad about it later. This happens especially to young men who think "hey, when I'm lying naked with a girl in bed kissing my chest while I fall asleep after sex...who the hell will care what i had to do get there?"

You will care. You won't feel right about what you do and it will eat at you. The problem here is that unless you're a sociopath you can't help but care that you're a despicable human being who does nothing but cause pain and suffering and offers nothing of value to anyone but yourself. And since you are the one giving it to yourself and you agree you're soulless what you give doesn't really count for all that much.

Life Is Just a Make-Believe

5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable

The nihilistic approach. If you think nothing matters. Not you, not her, not him, then you certainly won't think "the rules" apply to you. If you have nothing to lose, then you are capable of doing anything because, again, there is no cost...only boredom. This was very popular idea in the 80's but still has it's believers. "The world is a big nothing...at least I understand that" you'll hear a nihilist say as he/she is defending his soulless behavior with a sort of dead apathy that will terrify you.

Be Fake To Get What You Want

5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable

People hate fake people partly because they don't have integrity but also because being fake often does work in duping in others. Most people are good people who want to do right and believe right will be done to them. When a con artist type individual acts one way contrary to what they want or how they think it can be a terrifying experience that can cause you to doubt the reality of what you're seeing around you. In effect, destroy your grip on reality and the world.

5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable
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