What if my soulmate is already dead?

I'm a demisexual male (if you don't know what that is please look it up) and well... I haven't had the happiest upbringing. Not trying to sound weak or pathetic or anything but my highschool years were the worst years of my life. I had 6 of my family members and friends die all in just my freshman year alone and Every other year after that at least 2 of my family or friends have died suicide, freak accidents, health problems, etc) those years were a very sad and depressing time for me but years later I'm doing so much better. I'm in college now have a good job and have been doing much better mentality and physically. Lately I've kinda been interested in dating. But With all the awful things that happen to me in my past its made me wonder... what if my soulmate is dead? What if the girl I was suppose to marry have kids with and grew old with is dead and gone like almost all of my loved ones? ... this has really been bothering me lately and I just don't know what to do
What if my soulmate is already dead?
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