Why are guys touchy towards girls?

My guy friend and I are both 17, and everyone of my friends are saying he likes me... I'm trying to research before i jump to conclusions lol
Just recently we went on a trip to a camp with a bunch of other people, he always only pushed me, or would lift me up and throw me into the pool. He also tried tickling/tasering me, brushing my hair out of my face, and would always stay close to me. He has also recently been like tapping my cheek gently, or comparing hand sizes then does this weird finger movement so it is assumed we'd hold hands but never do, if that makes sense lol.
I am about 6 months older than him but in a different grade, and he is always asking who I am going to prom with, which is what my sister thinks is a hint but i don't know...
However, he doesn't usually talk to me outside our curricular activity, so I take this part as him just wanting to be friends.
Any suggestions?
Why are guys touchy towards girls?
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