My boyfriend and I have been fighting and it has gotten physical?

My boyfriend and I have had a lot of problems in the past. we just had a huge fight and becusae of me I don't even exactly know what it is about but I know it eneded in him blowin up and trying to scare me by beingphysical. He has a deep worry that I will cheat or try to get attention from others( when I first met him I dressed very provacatively and always got a lot of attention from guys) now, I am a mom and have changed but that fear is still there- I have to promise that I would not be with someone else almost, the other day I was upstairs putting my little babys gate up which faces our roommates room and I had on a deep v shirt and pj pants and a robe on- I heard someone come up the stairs so, I grabbed my robe and pulled it close and kept working on the gate. When my boyfriend came up he looked atme as if I had done something to the point that I felt nervous and guilty..I asked him what was wrong and he denied anything being up..The next day I went to work with him and our baby( owns his place)His father is the cook there,but it was slow so, he wantedto go check out this new place and He said_ I'm taking him( I thought he meant the babY)my boyfriend said hewas going too and his roommate works there also was going to stay behind with me and watcht he shop pretty much.. so, when they were leaving I said aren't you taking the baby and hesaid no- to which I said I thought your dad said he was gonna takehim..well, they left and my baby and I and the roommate stayed when he returned - we left to go home _ in the car,he said were you trying to get rid of the baby and I said no and I explained that ihad misheard to which he said seemed like you were trying to get rid of him. At thispoint I completely snapped- he didn't actually accuse me but I have been here before and I knew where it was going I guess. and I started yelling that I would never cheat and I didn't give a f*** bout his roomie - I brought the night before how he looked at ame like I had done something when I hadnt- My baby was in the backseat which was stupid of me to lose my cool like that and my boyfriend in turned snapped and pushed me in the head and spit on me for disrespecting him and not talking or letting him say anything. we got home and have been fighting he keeps trying to scare me physically and so now its been three days of non-stop arguing and every time he tries to talk to me-he blames me for everything broke up with me and says I will push him to have a heartattack and be a monster. Apart of me wants out and another part wants my family and us together. help me
My boyfriend and I have been fighting and it has gotten physical?
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