Hey You, Know Your Worth!

Hello beautiful people, Char here. I won't keep you all for long with this Take. It's just a friendly reminder that will hopefully reach some people. Read on!

Hey You, Know Your Worth!

Too often we settle for less than we deserve because we don't know our worth. We put up with people that treat us like second options. We put up with people that use us for what they need and toss us to the side like trash. People that make us feel like we're worth absolutely nothing. And why? Because we feel like we can't get anything better. Or worse, like we don't deserve better. Well guess what, that closet be further from the truth.

I used to be someone that took whatever was given to me. No questions asked. I stayed with someone who cheated on me. I allowed people to use me. I would tell myself things like "at least you have someone" and "you're familiar with this pain so just deal". I was basically forcing myself to settle because I felt like that's what I deserved and that it was the best that I was going to get. A lot of other stuff was going on my life and so I did some soul searching. While doing so I realized this: people will only treat you the way you allow them to. If you allow them to walk all over you and mistreat you, then that's what they will continue to do. You are better than that. Nobody deserves to be treated as second best. Don't ever feel like you have to settle for less than you deserve. Settling does nothing but cause trouble in the long run. And while you're settling you may very well be missing out on the person that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

You are worth it. You are good enough. You deserve to be treated with respect. You deserve to be loved the way that you love. You don't have to settle. You don't have to accept being second best. There is better out there. So break out of the habit of taking just anything old thing. Stop allowing people to blatantly use and abuse you. You're better than that. Take a look at yourself and know that you are worth it! And don't ever forget it!

#CHARismaticOut ✌ ❤ 😘

Hey You, Know Your Worth!
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