Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

Why girls have it harder in most cases

Guys have it easier. They didn't have to grow up with the media, fashion magazines, and advertisments persuading them their body, hair, and face isn't good enough, thus have to deal with the body and beauty image worrying whether or not they look fat, or if their hair is acceptable, or if their makeup is acceptable. So even hot girls with nice bodies can feel subconsious about themselves and skinny girls can think their fat, etc.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

"If you tell a girl she's beautiful she'll believe it for that second, if you call a girl ugly she'll believe it for the rest of her life"

On the flip side a girl calls a hot guy ugly and he doesn't give a shit. Or you tell a fit guy he's out of shape, its not going to cause an insecurity in him.

You tell this guy he needs to lift a weight because he's skinny as fuck.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

It would have no impact on his self esteem. (Yes I know that is bigger than most girls would want)

For dating and relationships, if you're awkward, really emotional, or lack confidence its better to be a girl than a guy. But for most scenerios its better to be a guy. (On average)

Some will argue that an ugly girl has a better shot at at least hooking up with a hot guy than an ugly guy has at getting any attention other than being a friend from a hot girl.

That part is true, but for dating the ugly guy has first pick at ugly people... Like if he has a personality he can and most likey will still get an ugly girl that's better than himself because girls look for more personality than guys do. Meanwhile the girl equivalents of him are at the bottom of the barrel of choices.

They would typically get the ugly guys who didn't have personalities or really ugly guys that had a face that even a personality couldn't make up for with ugly girls.

On to the attractive guys and girls.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

Attractive guys have it easier cuz at least in college girls let loose and its easy as hell to get them interested. And unless your personality is really really bad they'll stay or at least give you a chance.

You're in a position where you don't neccesarly have to worry about someone trying to sleep with you and never call you again.

Meanwhile attractive girls do get a lot of guy attention, but they have to deal with guys who might just be trying to sleep with them and the girls are more likely going to get their feelings hurt or be paranoid about a guys intentions.

I feel like there are more attractive players and douchebags who lie and cause drama then attractive girls who are the girl equivalent ( not too sure on that though).

Now moderately attractive guys could have it harder given that they have to initiate everything, handle more rejection, balance out being hot and cold so the girl doesn't lose interest. All while the girl just kind of sits back and has her choice.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

Your opinion on moderately attractive sex having it harder would likely depend on personal preference. I'm going off the "average" attractive girl vs attractive guy. In most cases moderatly attractive guys aren't awkward or lack confidence that costs them potential partners. I feel a lot would side with girls getting the better deal from this category.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

Now "hot" or 9-10/10 attractive guys have it easier than the hot girl equivalent. This is because all the attention you receive from the opposite sex and instant status from guys when you go out is pure benefit for guys. Almost every girl verbally or non verbally is inviting you to talk to them. They openly check you out, stare at your muscles, and even at your crotch. It's way easier to hook up with girls because you have a lot of sex appeal. The guy gets to choose who he wants to interact with.

The hot girl equivalent to that is every time you go out she gets constantly hit on, cat called, stared at, and her body being checked out a lot. She wouldn't enjoy it like a guy would. She also has to worry more about stalkers and creepers. She doesn't choose which guys try to interact with her.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

Not only that but guys have it way easier with their friends and getting ready. A guy runs a comb through his hair, puts on a shirt, he's ready to go. Girls spend hours getting ready to look attractive while guys don't need makeup and stuff to be at their peak attraction.

Guys have way less drama then girls do when it comes to friendships and social relationships. Also people are more accepting of a big ugly guy than a big ugly girl. I've seen it and girls and guys have talked about it, at first appearance people might be less accepting of your flaws and personality if you're a big ugly girl then a guy version of it. I noticed the big ugly girls that were universally accepted had AMAZING personalities, while bigger girls who were sociable and even a little funny weren't as accepted.

But the big ugly guys who were the guy equivalent to them in looks and personality were usually popular with everybody, whether high school or college.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

And guys don't have to go through pregnancy, give birth to have kids or deal with as much pressure on the issue abort-ion as bad as girls do cuz its the girls body. Guys don't have to deal with periods and whole cycle.

Girls have to worry about getting drugged and guys being weirdos/rapists so they have to take extra precautions when they hang out with a guy. And they can't just run or walk around at night by themselves without potentially being in danger.

Guys don't have to worry about getting date innappropiatly assaulted by a girl nearly as much or being abducted by a girl in a big white scary van. Or anything similar, it almost never happens.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys

Remember this is on "average", meaninf there are a lot of exeptions to this. This myTake is about if someone could choose what sex their born as, but has the same chance of being ugly, decent , or attractive looking as there are people like that proportionally.

Ex: 60-70 percent of people are average attractiveness, thats the chance you have at being average. 15 percent chance being ugly or attractive. The same thing with personality traits, most people aren't socially awkard so you have a low chance of that happening.

Guys have their own issues and problems too. This is just myTake on why there's a better chance you'll have it harder as girl than as a guy.

Why Girls Have it Harder Than Boys
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