We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

We've heard them a million times. It's gotten old as hell and we're tired of hearing the same stuff with the same content.

What is a dead horse subject?

A dead horse subject is one that's been addressed time and time again. These subjects get annoying as hell because they typically contain the same shit from post to post.

For this list, anything is free game.

Let's just get this over with. My top 10 Dead Horse Subjects:

10) Alpha/Beta

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

This takes the bottom of the list because of all the dead horse subjects, this is the least discussed, but it's still discussed quite a bit with it all being a the same. Basically, some guy talks about how the trait of an alpha and how much better it is being an alpha than a beta. Chances are, if you have to write about Alpha/Beta, you've somehow convinced yourself that you're an Alpha when you're not.

If you're like me, you don't give a flying fuck about this whole Alpha/Beta thing.

9) BLM

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

BLM is Black Lives Matter, a movement dedicated to stopping police violence against black people. You'd think a movement like this would be a good thing.........Nope. They have their own form of racism that's apparently justified in their eyes and the eyes of media outlets that support them.

We all know that BLM is just a bunch of radicals that further drag the name of black people through the mud. They spray-tagged a memorial. A Confederate memorial, but still. Their demands are unreasonable. I've read through them all and they're either incredibly vague, unreasonable or impossible to accomplish.

The reason this takes the #9 spot is because new things tend to pop up quite consistently. That, and the fact that BLM is the least offender (for this list) of the "PC Crew"

8) The Candidates

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

The only reason this isn't getting the #3 or #2 spot is because of one factor: Time of Year. It's election year, so it makes sense that people would talk the candidates into the ground.

Basically, subjects on the candidates go like this

Trump is a racist, sexist bigot

Hillary deserves jail time for [insert long list]

Why Trump is the worst choice for president

Why Hillary is the worst choice for president

I hate both of these candidates. They both suck. If some new development arises with either of them, then it makes sense to discuss it, but these questions are all the same things. Hillary's Emails and Trump's mean comments.

There's a wholly original take discussing which fictional characters would make for better candidates than either of them.

If you want to discuss them, please post some article about something new. Don't say the same exact shit every other opposer is saying.


We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

MGTOW stands for Men Go Their Own Way, a movement dedicated to and only for men, where they shun Long Term Relationships, not just with women, but period.......so no, turning gay isn't gonna get a MGTOW to get married

GaG went through a phase where MGTOW was heavily attacked, and I can kind of see why. From a bird's eye view, it's kind of hard to not find some pretty hateful comment about women. I decided to swallow my initial doubt and dip into MGTOW on Youtube. I found some things to live by and I found a lot of stuff I disagree with. Their core sentiments are agreeable, like a lot of movements, but again like a lot of movements, extremists and bitter opposers blow it out of proportion

I don't hate MGTOW. In fact, I'd consider myself a "purple piller." I'm never going any further than that though.

6) Men Suck

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

Between Men and Women Suck, Men Suck takes the #7 spot. Be it talking about why men these days are all pansies to things like Alpha/Beta, to comments addressing any sort of male complaint about women as "bitching and whining" or coming from a "sexually frustrated basement dweller," we get it. We have a dick. Blame us for shit. Tell us to talk about our problems, then dismiss it as bitching and whining.

The most common offenders are people who talk about "real men" and what they do or why the man these days are feminized by feminism and the current school system.

This also goes into some Feminist questions and takes that do their level best to either make women the victims of men's problems, (For example, Hillary's whole things about women being the primary victims of war.), finding a way to marginalize it, or finding a way to blame it on men, removing any accountability from themselves.

Now I'm not saying they don't bitch and whine. Sometimes they do, but it's gotten to the point where anytime a man complains or brings up an issue, there's between 1-3 women commenting that they're just bitching and need some pussy. As if pussy is the solve-all.

Do men have problems? Fucking definitely, but when we try to address them, don't brush us off

5) SJW

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

I'll be the first to tell you I hate SJWs: People against Free Speech. #2 of the PC crew and the biggest advocates of Political Correctness. Now don't think for a second that I support Hate Speech or Harrassment. If someone advocates violence against someone or tries to get their fans to attack someone online, they deserve to get banned. However, this is something completely different.

Read this Article: https://www.onenewsnow.com/education/2016/08/21/princeton-bans-the-word-man-from-its-vocabulary



In the second article, the man was charged for disagreeing with feminists. Criminal harrassment, they called it. However, he wasn't threatening or advocating violence ONCE. For that reason, he was found "not guilty." However, it's the fact that he was about to go to JAIL for a disagreement. That's highly against free speech.

I'm not against consequence. If someone says something stupid under free speech, I agree with using free to call them an idiot. I've done this many many times and had it used against me. Locking someone up though is bullshit.

4) Nice Guys

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

Look, Nice guys suck. That was established a long-ass time ago. Then GaG come out of nowhere with the extreme Nice Guys Suck phase. All I saw were these types of questions and Take. This phase lasted a hell of a lot longer than the Veganism Phase.

Beware the Nice Guy

Nice Guys suck

Nice Guys are boring

Nice Guys aren't really nice guys

These are the points in nearly every discussion about Nice guys. I honestly don't think there's anything original to say about it anymore. Nice Guys are terrible. We honestly get it. Leave them to die a bitter death.

3) Religion

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

Be it Christianity, Islam, Atheism, whatever, I'm tired of seeing things talk about how terrible they all are.

Islam has their Terrorists

Christianity has Westboro Baptist Church

Atheism has their condescending neckbeards

Whatever. Believe what you want. I follow some atheist channels on Youtube with a Muslim best friend while going to church on Sunday. Who gives a flying fuck at the end of the day? You can talk about your beliefs without coming off as a complete asshole.

Sure Atheism isn't a religion, but it definitely engages actual religion like one, which is why it's lumped in with them. They all attack other people's beliefs.

2) Women suck

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

Far more than men suck posts, you have the women suck posts.

Western women are terrible

Why I'm dating foreign not western women

Women these days are entitled and narcissistic

Blah Blah fucking blah. Women suck. We get it. They're all gold digging whores who go on a thousand dick journey then want a good man to scoop them away when they're done.

We hear this way too much and we just don't care anymore. If you have a legitimate problem with some of the things women do or the games they play, talk about it, but don't go on about how women these days are ruined or we only have girls and how you want a "woman." Sorry, but talking about Girls vs Women is no different than Boys vs. Men.

These are the posts that make women see any problem men have as just bitching and whining.

Do women have problems? Fucking definitely, but generalizing women or blaming women for all your problems is bullshit. BOTH GENDERS, as well as Feminism and MGTOW have contributed to the Gender Divide and the Gender War.


1) Feminism and Anti-Feminism

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

We all knew this was coming. The dreaded F-Word. The 3rd of the PC crew. Like with BLM and SJWs, I won't hesitate to tell you I hate the movement..........at least the 3rd wave of the movement.

I used to be a pretty dedicated anti-feminist. Going online to search up feminist bullshit and then go find a feminist to destroy. However, I'm done with that shit. I'll still discuss feminist bullshit, but only if I see some bullshit point.

3rd wave Feminism has done a lot of bullshit (that alone can take up the entire 20,000 for a take) but repeating the bullshit feminism has done gets old pretty fast. Take it from me. I used to do it.

Feminism is the overwhelming winner of this spot. Far more than anything else. If they do some bullshit or a feminist makes a bullshit point, call it out, but seeing a thousand takes on it is annoying as hell.

I think they need to take a good-ass look at themselves and wonder why less than 20% of pretty much any population would consider themselves a feminist, and not just brush it off as "internalized misogyny" or "sexism." That's all I'm gonna say about this.

I know that the candidates will be laid to rest after the inauguration, but I think we need to lay the rest of these subjects to rest. There's just nothing else to say that hasn't already been said. They're annoying.

Alright, Peeps. That's it. Signing out

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

(I fucking love Ballet)

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects
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