TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep


*background music of drums*

Back in time, before the Internet ruled everyone's lives and before social media and social networking became the new shaming for someones political beliefs, their religious background, and their sexual beliefs, we had television.

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Peter Jennings - ABC

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Tom Brokaw - NBC

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Dan Rather - CBS

Then you had the round table discussions on weeknights:

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

And You had your Sunday Morning talk shows:

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

McLaughlin Group

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

This Week - With David Brinkley.

And to round out your Sunday News fetish, you had / have this

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

60 Minutes (Pic 1 of 2 - One reason I will state why I used this pic. NOTE THE GENTLEMAN TO THE LEFT)

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Back then, we didn't have much to work with. We were transfixed to the local news channels for anything that would break. The JFK Assassination, Watergate, Nixon's Impeachment, Iran Hostages, Challenger Disaster, Berlin Wall coming down

You also had major incidents like Iran Contra which was all over the news as well, flooded the local channels for hours of coverage.

Flash Forward to the "CABLE NEWS CHANNELS"

For most who didn't have cable or other channels. You had the inception of the cable news channels:

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

CNN - Launched June 1, 1980; 36 years ago

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

MSNBC - July 15, 1996; 20 years ago

And... America's Favorite Channel....

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

FOX NEWS - October 7, 1996; 19 years ago

Obviously I'm being sarcastic. Then, then—But not that sarcastic, to be honest with you....

*drops mic*

Then you got the cheerleaders of the aforementioned channel:

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Rush Limbaugh

The foremost cheerleader of the pack.

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Glenn Beck

The other cheerleader.

Not to mention these gentlemen:

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Pat Robertson - 700 Club

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

Billy Graham


Now with all this talking in our ear on how a certain person is the anti Christ, or how a certain person is not born in the country because someone tells me so, and I won't go to heaven if I don't do x,y,z..

We have become a nation of people who have the tools for what social media speaks, but do we research it. Have the stuff is drivel, and the other stuff maybe (HENCE MAYBE factual). Do we take the time to read and research what is being said in our ears 24/7 ?

The economy is bad one station states... the other 4 stations show that its not with data showing the economy is fine. You hear the economy is bad in your head its bad. You step outside. You see the malls are packed. Walmart is packed, Best Buy is packed, people are buying things. The economy is bad. Yes..


Because the news channel I watch tells me so....

The stores are packed, people are spending...

But...But.. The channel tells me so, so I need to believe them...

Money is in your wallet.. You got 4 squares and a roof over your head. You can take care of your family..

Mortgage? Why? Because your grand parents did it, your parents did it. So your doing it...

Auto Loan? Your parents did it. you are doing it.

College? Loan? Scholarships and partial financial aid goes along way, if you apply yourself.

Now this isn't attack on what you watch, who you worship (Religious Figure or Television Anchor) it is the common sense reasoning and use what God gave you and what the news channels are taking from you.

You know 2 + 2 is 4. They tell you its 5. You can see 2 + 2 = 4 and the Sky is blue. But they tell you different. You go out your window and you see the sky is blue.

To go back to a 60 minutes posting way back on this.. Mike Wallace.. upstanding gentleman. His son is on the other cable news network.. What would his son think of his son and the channel is he on?

Moral of MyTake. = People have different view points. People look different, think different, act different, walk differently, have different sexual orientation, and come here from different background (will be another MYTake at a different time)

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep


TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep

And this....

TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep



TV News and The De-Evolution, From Watcher to Sheep
0 Opinion