GIBR: War on Drugs

GIBR: Good Intentions, Bad Results

So much of what I see as having negative effects on society were not necessarily championed by people with foul intentions.

Too often, I seem to find that they were championed by warm-hearted people with perfectly good intentions only to lead to horrible results. I want to zoom in on one such case.

War on Drugs

The War on Drugs was initiated by Richard Nixon in 1971.

GIBR: War on Drugs

Some people have made a case that the war was ultimately intended to give government license to target minorities such as black people and hippies who protested the war. Regardless of the possibility of such sinister intentions, most of the people who supported the cause were probably doing so under the noblest of intentions.

Unfortunately, idealistic intentions often have horrible results when it comes to economic policies.


GIBR: War on Drugs

GIBR: War on Drugs

GIBR: War on Drugs

GIBR: War on Drugs

Across Borders

The "war" didn't simply affect those at home.

GIBR: War on Drugs

GIBR: War on Drugs
GIBR: War on Drugs

Lesser of Two Evils

No matter what we think about narcotics, a lot of economic decisions require us to choose between the lesser of two evils. Here is Milton Friedman on the subject.

The one negative feature of legalizing drugs is that there might be some additional drug addicts. However, the child who is shot in a pass-by shooting is an innocent victim in every respect of the term. The person who decides to take drugs for himself is not an innocent victim. He has chosen to be a victim. I must say I have very much less sympathy for him. I do not think it is moral to impose heavy costs on other people to protect people from their own choices.

What is the point of continuing this war?

GIBR: War on Drugs
GIBR: War on Drugs

GIBR: War on Drugs
Post Opinion