How Growing Up for the Last 10 Years with Divorced Parents Has Affected/Impacted Me

Couples, I understand that it's easy to divorce when there are issues in the relationship. But please, if you have a child, consider doing your damn best to work it out, ok? Because the last 10 years of my life were pretty hard in some ways because my parents divorced when I was 6.

How growing up for the last 10 years with divorced parents has affected/impacted me

To start off, I was pretty upset but, since I was only 6, I didn't grasp just what the concept of divorce meant. My mom ended up with main custody of me, so my dad only got to see me on weekends. But my mom re-married and I actually knew the man she married, and he already had 2 daughters. My dad married maybe 2 years later and I had a new step-sister and brother.

Jump forward a few years later to when I was around 9 or 10. At that point, I had 1 full sister, 3 or 4 half-sisters (I can't remember exact birth-years at the moment), 3 step-sisters, and 1 step-brother. Then, my dad only got to see me during the weekend *every two weeks* and I ended up missing him when I was at my mom's house because I had 5-6 siblings at her house, with none of them being male, so things got hectic very often and I had nobody to hang out with me because my full sister stopped hanging out with me at that point (she is 3 years older than me). I was lonely and bored, and I didn't even have my actual father there to talk to.

Jump 4 years in the future from there. During that time period, I now had 1 full sister, 6 half-sisters, 3 step-sisters, and 1 step-brother. At that point I began to get slightly more social and mellowed-out, so at that point the custody (not choice/want) absence of my father in my main life stopped bothering me because at that point there was just nothing I could do to change it, so I just stopped caring. I still went to his house every 2 weeks for a few days, but I stopped caring that it was so little.

Finally, jump to 2 more years in the future, to the present. I should say that I am thankful for my step-father because he is very much a father-figure in my life, he always was, but it wasn't and still isn't quite the same. I came to terms with the divorce of my parents, realizing I wouldn't have so many siblings/sisters if it hadn't happened. I hang out with my dad whenever I can (I don't/can't drive, though). I also came to accept that my mother, despite always loving her and never telling her I was bitter about it, was the reason for the divorce and forgave her in my heart. But, no matter how much I've gotten over my parents' divorce, I will never be 100% over it because of the lack of my dad in my life. I just missed so much time with him over the years that I'm just deeply saddened over it. It bothers me so much that I have made it one of my ultimate goals as a parent to never force my kid(s) to go through the horrible experience that is life with one parent. I just don't have it in my heart to put my future kids what I had to endure for 10 years.

How Growing Up for the Last 10 Years with Divorced Parents Has Affected/Impacted Me
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