My ex has been really mean to me recently when before he would just ignore me. I try to be nice to him cuz I feel bad for ending it but we just weren't good for each other. I explained everything to him and have apologized many times for our relationship not working out. It's bad cuz both our families are really close friends and I still enjoy hanging out with them. I have accepted it's over between and realize it's for the best. He is being awful to me and I can't take it anymore he embarrasses me in front of my friends. I'm at a point where I don't know what to do. I know i shouldn't care anymore and I don't but I just don't like being treated like shit over and over again and then him saying maybe I should seek professional help when I'm only frustrated and upset because of the way he treats me in front of my friends. I try to avoid him as much as I can cuz I have no feelings what so ever for him anymore and I'm nice to him when I do have to see him. Why can't he just do the same and get over it? It's been 6 months or maybe more!!!
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