No contact after a short term relationship?

I dated this guy for about 3 months and during the last month he began doing the fade from me. This was when we began getting very intimate and noticeably began to lack contact. We finally spoke on the phone and he said that can't be in a relationship at the moment due to everything happening in his life such as work, classes and the big move (in a new apartment). With all that, he said that he is having trouble keeping in contact with his friends and family and doesn't think it is fair to get into a relationship where he won't be able to give 100% like I deserve. He also said that us getting intimate was a big deal and he wasn't ready to give his all to me... he mentioned how guarded he is with his feelings. He said it was always exclusive and he cares. He wants to remain friends and blah blah blah...

We even had a romantic Valentine's day and he told me that it was the best Valentine's day he has had in a very long time (same for me). However he said he was thinking more of the moment rather than 2 weeks/5months from then...

Now we have been in no contact for 2 weeks... I plan on the whole no contact for at least 30 days. For short term relationship, would he come back to me or at least contact me? He looks at every snap I send out in my story... Has anyone has similar experiences?
No contact after a short term relationship?
3 Opinion