My wife cheated with my brother?

It's very hard to type right now but long story short I just caught my wife of 2 years cheating on me with my older brother. I don't know what to do. It's been happening for months. Honestly all I know to do right now is self medicate and come here for help. What do I do? Divorce? Take her back? Oh god the pain is so fucking unbearable. Please help me. What do I do Any advice is welcome

Around 24 hours since I found out (I think?) Following all advice I have received as best as I can. Overwhelmed with despair but finding a little comfort deep within at seeing these comments. I have never had anyone empathize and try to help me like this.. not once. It's a nice feeling to read these comments in the midst of this hell. Update on them: She will only tell me that it is all my fault. She's obviously upset about it but refuses to do anything but put the blame on me. He said I need to just get over it and move on because she is a "psycho bitch." Life is unexplainably difficult, but I believe God will help us all grow from this. Doing my best to remain positive. Thank you all so very much for your comments. I weep as I read them knowing there is someone out there that understands and cares. It's a new feeling to me. Perhaps one I should look for more in life. Feel free to comment anything. Any and all advice is welcome as I endure this agonizing hell. Thank you...
My wife cheated with my brother?
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