Why did my ex do this?

I just went through one of the most toxic things I thing I’ve ever experienced and I think it’s shaking me to my core. I had broken up with my ex a few days ago and the relationship was already a rocky tumultuous relationship. It had many highs and lows and we were on and off, it was very draining. She was a very untrustworthy person and would often gaslight me and hide a lot of things. She would always be texting random people, hide her phone and just in general was a sneaky person. She would stay out late all the time and wouldn’t even tell me why. I would always have to sit around waiting for her. I helped her in various situations, when her apartment got flooded I gave her a place to stay. When she got kicked out, I gave her a place to stay. Helped her with one of her bills. She would be out late and wouldn’t even pick me up from work most of time. I decided it was too toxic and that she was probably either cheating or just using me for her own benefit, because we wouldn’t go anywhere and we barely had sex anymore. I decided to get her ex’s side of things, even though he was abusive to her I wanted to get his side of the story to see what she was like and why they didn’t work. Because she was a toxic person and I couldn’t tell if the story she even told me was fully the truth. So today she messages and keeps calling me, going on a rampage saying that I shouldn’t have talked to him that I should stay in my lane and if I keep doing that it won’t turn out well for me like she was threatening harm onto me. So I responded and said she needed to chill out, she kept going on so I blocked her. She messaged someone I knew and ranted on because they were kind of involved in the situation and she called them weird and called me weird so I messaged her once again and said that calling me weird made no sense and the issues she had with her ex was her problem and I didn’t get why she was so pressed about it especially if it was years ago they stopped dating.
Why did my ex do this?
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