- He broke up with me first
-He cheated on me
-Now he'll stare at me from top to bottom
- He'll smile when he sees me.
- but our breakup is fresh.
He hurt me deeply, and I'm trying to move on, but he's not letting me...
- He broke up with me first
-He cheated on me
-Now he'll stare at me from top to bottom
- He'll smile when he sees me.
- but our breakup is fresh.
He hurt me deeply, and I'm trying to move on, but he's not letting me...
Sorry for what you're going through. I've been through a similar case as well. What I can tell you is that there is no hope or any good future in being with a person like that. Don't ever let him back into your life, especially if he already cheated on you. Value yourself for more than that.
"but he's not letting me..." - No, you're not letting you. You have to overcome it. You have already seen what kind of person he is. Don't open that door again. Walk away from the confusion and mixed signals, that's not love, or trust. The right person for you isn't going to do any of those things.
He does that because he gets more joy out of messing with your mind from afar than actually being around you.
I think, you are exactly right!
Do Not Trust this Loser. He may want just Sex or Something MORE in Terms of Money, honey. Stay Clear. He is No longer Trusted. xx
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