Has anyone took antidepressants to help with a break up?


4 weeks ago I came out of a 7 year relationship, he’s cut almost all contact and has really been acting like a man I didn’t even know. He’s done everything he swore he would never do to me, which hurts. For the past 4 weeks I’ve been begging and messaging but decided to just let him go now. But it’s so hard, it literally hurts, I have no appetite, I’m constantly tired yet I can’t sleep. I find a lack of enjoyment in anything and everything, I can’t concentrate he’s literally on my mind 24/7 from the moment I wake until I eventually fall asleep. And even when I wake I’ve had dreams about him. I’m 32 and never took antidepressants though I have been depressed at 18 and I came out of it myself with no help, and I have suffered with generalised anxiety disorder all my life which I’ve never took anything for. But I have children and I really think they aren’t seeing the best in me right now, and I’m not even enjoying being around them, I’m irritable and snappy. I was thinking I could take them to ease the first few months without him, then hopfully come off once I’ve slightly got used to him not being part of my life anymore. Has anyone done this before? Did it help with obsessive thoughts of them? I have spoke with the doctor and she has prescribed me Citalopram? Will this help with how I’m feeling in anyway?

Has anyone took antidepressants to help with a break up?
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