Why would she do this straight after the break up?


So me and my girlfriend of three years broke up in July. I was living in Canada from mid November-end of April. And again from start of June-start of September. She continued to live in the U. K. throughout. I was moving back permanently at the end of my summer in Canada. She facetimed me and said she couldn’t do it anymore and broke up. Very emotional for both of us. A few days later something I said was really taken out of context and repeated to her, either way it was hurtful but out of context which made it more hurtful.

She was already going on a trip with a group of mainly guys travelling for two weeks around the alps. This trip took place about 3/4 days after we broke up and within two weeks of us breaking up she’d already had sex with two guys? I only learnt this yesterday. I am going to move my stuff out of OUR flat and move back in with my parents on Thursday but all summer she’s maybe been giving me signals that we could be on the cards again. I literally don’t want to have to look at her, I have been no saint while I’ve continued to be away in Canada but I haven’t been able to go all the way. It just doesn’t sit right with me just yet hence why I can’t believe she did it so quickly?

When we were together sex was important but not necessarily regular, it was whenever we had time and energy in our super busy lives, but the. She goes out straight away and does that! Was it revenge (for my out of context comments)? Was she just letting her hair down?

Why would she do this straight after the break up?
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