Does the lack of conversation and stimulation of the jokes she used to do a lot of make you bored and want to be with a new woman who is more stimulating to talk to? The good thing about the current girlfriend is that she is not quiet because she is angry, and actually is very peaceful to live with, if you can get past the lack of stimulation she offers.
382 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. That sounds exactly like the female version of myself 😳😄☺️ that would be great for me. I enjoy the peace and tranquility too. I need it like i need a roof over my head if that makes sense. And not having to come up with anything just to say something is pretty nice to conserve. I'm happy with cuddling the girl and not say much.
10 Reply
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I have been reading your questions for over an year now. Here is the honest truth. You are really acting like a girlfriend more than trying to be a wife material. How long do you want to waste your time overthinking scenarios?
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Sounds like the relationship has run its course. At first, ALL couples have plenty to talk about because everything between them is NEW.
BUT, if a couple is well-suited to each other, they always have something to reignite the spark that made them interested in each other to begin with, and this kind of mystery can last a lifetime together if they're exceedingly lucky.
But when the NEW fades, often people don't have anymore juicy fruit between them. It was just a flash in the pan. This can happen over weeks, months or a few years, or a few decades, especially when kids intervene and blur the relationship focus.
If there's nothing interesting going on between you, maybe it's time to talk about this and weigh whether there's any reason to go on.
20 Reply u
1 yI've never been in that situation before... stuff like that usually happens right away
and perhaps, they're just not interested or... they're not that talkative
I rarely end up, actually... never ever get into a relationship with someone that is not interested in me... or that really struggles that much with keeping a conversation20 Reply- 1 y
Yes, because in this scenario she changed. She used to be engaging, now she's not, that means the relationship started under false pretense of who she really is. I love peaceful to live with but I don't like false advertising, and the sudden change would make me wonder what other aspects of her were insincere, so that'd be a no for me.
20 Reply - 1 y
in a word yes. and this goes both ways. if conversation, connections, and fun start to dry up in a relationship it is natural for either partner to feel the need to get those things from somewhere else. now hopefully rather than just ending the relationship the couple will work to re-ignite those things first.
10 Reply - 1 y
It might make me more worried than bored or uninterested... It means that we are not on the same level as we once were or maybe she just has a lot of her mind.. But if she just changed like that, it wouldn't even see it as normal.. But I haven't been in a lot of long term relationships, so maybe that is normal..
10 Reply - 1 y
I’m still working on my shyness and am much more of a listener than a talker. I don’t what to constantly feel the need to ask “So, what do you want to talk about now?” while I’m still coming up with what I want to talk about. If we both say nothing for too long it becomes an awkward silence.
10 Reply if I am not getting silent treatment it is all OK. In fact I'd like it.
20 Reply- 1 y
Men will appreciate the silence because we don't like talking as much as women do. Men don't "get bored" and leave relationships only women do that.
10 Reply - 1 y
It would get boring but I wouldn’t leave her, I’m sure I would come up with something since I’m good with conversation
22 Reply- 1 y
Hey you! 🙂. I finally see your presence here again. Too bad it's not from answering my questions lately. ?
As far as this question goes, to be honest, when America 🇺🇸 was a more normal place to live, and normal things were happening like always, it was easy to kid around and have interesting things to talk about. But, to be honest, with two wars going on at the same time, the transgender thing, crime, how much everything costs, etc., there's not a whole lot of funny stuff to make fun of. Call me uninteresting but that's how I feel about it. - 1 y
I think if it represents change then its a big problem , all of a sudden also though lack of communication they dont really care what you do , they start to appear insular and isolated , so I tend to think it represents the end.
00 Reply- 1 y
not bored, find common interests and DO stuff, not just talk, then talk about films and trips.
00 Reply - 1 y
Sometimes you hit lulls! That's no reason to break up! Now, if it goes on for months or years or seems like it'll never end, okay, maybe.
10 Reply - 1 y
No, this is just me tho I can’t speak for the other guys but I can enjoy someone’s silence just as much… as long as there there with me I’m good
00 Reply - 1 y
It wouldn't make me bored and want be with a new girl.
10 Reply - 1 y
Uma Thurman had a good bit on this in Pulp Fiction:
'https:// m. youtube. com/watch? v=54Qb7yY-KEo'
00 Reply How can a woman who is not quiet because she is angry be very peaceful to live with?
00 Reply- 1 y
People need to communicate to survive? why do you want a partner with whom you can't even talk or joke?
Whats the point? like really, answer what is the point here?
00 Reply No, to me this is the point of the relationship where you two should create more memories together, do activities together or even spend a little less time together (even at home)
10 ReplyNever been in that situation but yes I do need someone with a decent mind.
00 ReplyI would be worried. It actually bring me memories.😕
00 Reply- 1 y
I don't know I'm usually the one who runs out of things to say first
10 Reply You joke or you don't joke. A guy will be with all the women he can get. Guys want pussy not humour.
10 ReplyI like peaceful, aslong as there is love and affection I’m in
00 ReplyNope, if you can't sit in silence then it isn't real.
00 Reply- 1 y
Nope.. as long as she is engaging and put her efforts
00 Reply 445 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Nah sometimes some days are just like that for both
10 Replyi mean it cannot always be fun, right
10 ReplyI reckon it probably would after a while.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Hell no lol
10 Reply sure
00 Reply
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