We have been in limbo land for 2 years, our lives have been busy. And I got tired of the back and forth. He said he needed space because he has been dealing with somethings. But never gave me a time frame. It’s been 3 weeks. Is it over between us or should I wait?
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Ay, that's super tough. Waiting around in limbo for that long is rough. Here's what I think -
If he really cared that much, he would find a way to make time, you know? Even if life is busy, after 2 years you'd think he would communicate better and not leave you hanging for weeks without a real timeline. That's bogus behavior on his part.
At this point I'd say don't wait around anymore - you deserve to be with someone who's sure about you, not keeping you as an option if other stuff falls through. Give him one more call or text to see if he's willing to commit and meet up soon to figure your shit out... but be prepared for him not to answer or still be unclear.
If that happens, just let him know you can't keep doing the limbo dance forever and you're moving on now to see other people. Go live your best life and have fun meeting new people! Don't give him the power tostring you along anymore. You got this.
Whatever you decide, make sure he's in on the decision. Don't decide it's over and then move on without telling him.