He said that I am a man and no one is gonna believe me and I could lose my daughter if things escalate. I finally understood the gravity of situation I am in. I went to my house and asked my wife to come talk to me. I said that I never hit him, I don't know why he said it and I don't wanna know anymore. I told her that I am not feeling safe in this house, and I dont wanna risk my future and my daughters future.
I packed my bags and my daughter's bag and we left for my parents house. I refused to take her calls and asked her to only contact me through messages. Her messages ranged from blaming me to blaming herself and wanting to talk in person.
Three week later she messaged me and told me that she believes me. When I left she actually started to question her son's allegations and obvious inconsistencies started to emerge.
I dont trust her children and I dont trust her to believe me. I can't risk it. She asked me what I want her to do, give up her kid's custody and I said, honestly, I do love her and I do want to stay with her but I can't risk it to be with her anymore if her kids are staying with us. I told her I am sorry and I dont expect her to give up her kid so I think it best we go forward with separation.
Turns out she is actually considering giving up the custody of her kids. He ex-husband called me and asked me why his ex-wife is talking about giving up custody. I told him the truth and he was very angry with her son but more angry with my wife.
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