I'm one of those men who has a wall up around himself.

ladies and gentlemen,

I am one of those men who has placed an emtional barrier around himself as the result of a seemingly endless stream of relationships and dates and whatever have you that have all ended up being a waste of time. Honestly, I know I'm not the only one that does this, but I don't know how I could ever un-wall myself I guess. For example: I have been on dates and been in relationships, and I was completely nice and loving, but I don't ever get too comfortable because experience has taught me that this person is only temporary. I know that I can be a very intimidating person, because I'm not a talker or a dreamer. If I want something in life, I get off my ass and take it. In the last 5 years, all of my relationships have ended because the following reasons given to me by the last 5 ladies.

1. Your a wonderful guy, but I'm not on your level. You have a lot of drive and I always feel like I am trying to play catch up. You move fast, you talk fast, and act fast. I always feel like our time together is over before it began. I always feel so rushed with you.

2. Your a sweet guy and you treat me better than any man has, but when I look into your eyes I just see emptiness (which I explained was true.)

3. I've never had a boyfriend who had so much energy, you've been a refreshing change of pace, but I don't think I could ever match the evergy you have.

4. I'm happy with the time I've spent with you, and you will make some woman very happy someday, but your thinking and planning are far beyond mine. I wish I had some of your qualities but Your too much for me to handle. You need a super-woman.

5. Your everything I could ever want in a man, and I have no doubt you will have everything in life that you want because you are your own man, I just don't see where I could possibly fit into all these amazing things you have done already with your life and the amazing things you have planned. I don't want to screw that up for you.

Now, after all the dust has settled, I wonder for the life of me how people can wonder why I come off as a brash, blunt, emotion-less, person. My best friend has told me I am the most rational heartless bastard he has ever met. He wonders if I was even born with a soul or tear ducts. I'm never mean or abusive to people and I always treat others with respect. So my question is this: Am I missing something that everyone else seems to know when it comes to relationships? Any suggestions?
I'm one of those men who has a wall up around himself.
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