Is anyone dying to move out but can't afford it? (rant)

I'm 22, I live at home, I have one more year of school to finish and it's really time for me to move out. I had to come back home because I didn't graduate in 4 years, my school is too expensive so the plan was to finish here because its much cheaper in state. However, for a variety of reasons, my parents and I have arguments and it has gotten to the point where they think I need to move out. I agree with them, but I also have no money to my name. I have a part time, seasonal job and hours have been cut back so I barely make any money. I didn't look for a full time job because I'm going to school in the spring. And now, my parents have said that not only should I move out, but if I move out, they aren't helping me with school. Its annoying because these people never know where they stand. If this were going to be the case all along, I could have kept my ass in new york. I didn't have to come home, I could have looked for a job before school was over and saved up. I had friends looking for apartments, and every time I considered getting my own place, my parents fought me on it. The whole point of coming home was to finish school at a cheaper price because they pay for my education. If I'm going in debt anyway, by taking out loans from government on my own, then I might as well have stayed in New York. Other people do it. SO I came home, only to get an apartment in a city I can't stand and pay for school myself at a school I don't want to attend. WHAT THE HELL WAS THE POINT?

Its my fault for allowing my parents to support me all these years. that's also my issue. My parents have never raised me to be independent. Every single time I brought up getting a job, they said no, just focus on school. I didn't do too well in school, so I get how that's disappointing. When I wanted to move out of the dorm, they didn't want me to do that. So its a method of control, up to this point, because now they really do want to get rid of me. I had no choice but to leave because I had no apartment and my parents pay for my education. Now they aren't going to pay and I have to get a place anyway? again, could have f***ing kept my ass in new york. I'm so over this sh*t.

Anyone in a similar boat?

And advice to parents out there - don't raise your kid to be a leech, especially if you ever plan to flip flop and decide that they should suddenly work full time, go to school full time, and pay for an apartment all on their own in a matter of months. Make them work at a young age at least somewhat. don't be a f***ing hypocrite.
Is anyone dying to move out but can't afford it? (rant)
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