5 Insanely Stupid Things Women Say About Nice Guys

5 Insanely Stupid Things Women Say About Nice Guys

1. Nice guys aren't really nice

Duh! We're not talking about bad men who pretend to be nice guys, we're talking about genuine nice guys. Yes, even the genuine nice guys usually get rejected or cheated on. So again, we're not talking about bad men who pretend to be nice, we're talking about genuine nice guys being rejected and finishing last.

2. Nice guys have a victim mentality

Well yer, because they ARE victims. They see other men being rewarded with sex and beautiful women for simply being assholes or jerks, while the nice guys continue to get rejected. Nice guys are being deprived of sex (unless they pay for it) and are being deprived of a happy relationship, all because women today are more interested in having fun and excitement with a bad boy rather than have love and commitment with a nice guy.

3. Nice guys lack confidence

Well considering how bitchy and unpleasant women can be today, it's no surprise that a lot of men lack confidence when it comes to dating women. And even if a man lacks confidence, if that a good enough reason to reject him? He could have a heart of gold. If only women weren't so shallow.

5 Insanely Stupid Things Women Say About Nice Guys

4. Nice guys are bitter towards women

Oh no, how awful. What have women done that could possibly make so many nice guys turn bitter? Like I said before, nice guys constantly get turned down while seeing assholes and bad boys get all the sex and beautiful women, while at the same time women complain that there's very few good men left. I don't know why people find it puzzling as to why lots of men become bitter towards women. I thought it was blatantly obvious.

Imagine if you, as a woman, desired to be in a loving relationship. You were a sweet caring lady who was faithful and respectful towards men. But you kept getting rejected and had to witness all the bad women getting all the good men. It would be soul destroying. The injustice and unfairness would eat away at you and eventually make you bitter towards men. All you want is a loving relationship and you keep getting rejected just for being a sweet caring lady. Go figure!

5. Nice guys just hate confident guys who are successful with women.

In my experience nice guys don't hate other successful men. What nice guys hate is their frustration of the stupidity of women who choose bad guys and then complain when they get treated badly, while at the same time keep rejecting good men. If women rejected the bad men then the bad men and assholes wouldn't get the chance to treat women badly. So nice guys don't hate the successful men who get the women, they just hate the stupidity of women who choose these kinds of guys.

5 Insanely Stupid Things Women Say About Nice Guys
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