Looks or Personality? My Honest Answer


On here there have been several questions that asked "looks or personality?" Many gaggers say both are equally important or personality is more important. I don't know if they're being honest or they're saying that to not sound shallow. It's okay to admit that looks are more important.

Looks or Personality? My Honest Answer

I've seen many couples with different looks and personalities. I've seen ugly guys with average looking girls. I've seen kind of ugly girls with average looking guys. I've seen average looking people with attractive people. Only once in my life, I've seen a gorgeous woman marry an ugly rich doctor guy. People are attracted to what they are attracted to.

I'm also attracted to what I'm attracted to. It's not my cup of tea to be with a guy who's less attractive than me just because he has a good personality and a lot of money.

I'm one of very few people who claim that looks are the most important for me. Personality is important because I wouldn't want to be with an asshole. It's just that my standards for looks is higher than my standards for personality. This makes me feel like I'm the odd one out, especially as a girl.

Compared to looks, personality is easier to change. It stays relative and aging takes years to fade the looks away.

You can't fuck personality. Sex is more enjoyable with a better looking person.

Looks or Personality? My Honest Answer

Looks also affect the way I feel about someone. I won't deny that looks also affect attraction and how I will treat them. It affects my willingness to compromise for what I lack.

It's human nature. Personality won't produce a healthy, attractive child. I can't let personality, morals, norms, money and blah blah blah to interfere with my instincts. If I ever decide to have a baby, I want my child to be healthier and more attractive than me. As a mom, I should want the best genes for my kids. My mom didn't care and I don't want to make that same mistake.

Looks or Personality? My Honest Answer
59 Opinion