Respect Interracial Couples!

Respect Interracial Couples!

I've seen a lot of posts in this topic on this site, as well as across the internet. A lot of people seem to think interracial couples are wrong. The type of interracial couple which causes anger among some guys is Black Men with White Women. These are by far the most popular type of IR couple. But there's nothing really wrong with that.

Don't be jealous!

Some white guys seem to think that "all" or "most" white women only like black men. This is completely wrong. Most white women like and date white men. So saying that they all like black men is crazy. Even if that were true, it still leaves most white women available. Why? Because black men are minorities! For every black man in the US, there are four white women. Not to mention a lot (and I mean a lot) of white girls simply do not like black men. Maybe even most white girls say the phrase "I don't date black guys". I think black guys would agree with me in that a lot of white girls aren't interested in them.

As well as that, there are a lot of black men who like black women! And white guys, girls who date black men have and will also date white men! So there's no need to be jealous or angry. White women are yours! White women love you! While some may prefer black men and some may date black men, pretty much every white girl would date a white guy So calm down, and focus on getting a girlfriend, rather than blaming your failure of women on black men "taking" all your women. Because that's absolutely incorrect.

Interracial Dating Has Always Been A Thing!

Some people are hating, saying how IR dating is a new age Liberal agenda to make every human one race. Maybe that's true but it doesn't mean IR dating is a new thing. People have been IR dating for years and years and yet most couples are still the same race. Back in the 80's and stuff, racism was dead already. So if white women really did prefer black men, 97% of older white women wouldn't be married to white men now would they? Interracial marriage has been legal for decades and yet they still make up the small minority of overall marriages. So don't sweat it! No race is going anywhere! People's cultures aren't going anywhere because if that were true, we'd see much more older IR couples. In short, people tend to like their own race and the past has proved this.

Let People Date Who They Want

Love is uncontrollable. It's not fair to shame someone for falling in love with someone, just because of their skin color. Love has no limits so just don't be jealous! You can date whoever you want, so give others the same respect.

Thanks for reading. I hope to quench some people's angers by reading this. My first paragraph is related to that. But anyways, some people make IR dating a big deal when it isn't. Most people like their own race. Interracial couples are rare, but they should still be respected.

Respect Interracial Couples!
55 Opinion