Ghosting is Not a Big Deal


Alright I know that I'm only 16 but I don't want people disregarding my opinions because of my age, therefore, here's what I have to say:


It's common sense if the other person doesn't respond to you or call you or block you on social media, that they don't want you in their life. If you don't get this, then that's on you.

Not everyone wants a confrontation. Usually people look for a fight when you explain to them that you don't want them in your life. Certainly, I'm not advocating ghosting on people with whom you've shared a lot of history. I certainly wouldn't ghost on my husband.

I've ghosted on guys after a bad first date. They didn't come banging on my house door looking for closure or anything. You should expect closure if the relationship was serious, not if it was just a date. I've ghosted guys on dating site, like I stopped responding to their messages, they got the point and stopped talking to me.

I've had a couple of friends ghost on me. I didn't cry in my room because they stopped talking to me.

See, most people understand if the other person doesn't respond to you, they don't want to talk to you. Not everyone deserves an explanation. Jeez! Are people so sensitive these days?

Ghosting is Not a Big Deal
104 Opinion