Part 2: Nice Guys Aren't Actually Nice


So keep in mind, this is the same exact "nice guy" that you all completely roasted my ass about while victimizing him in the last take.

Despite all of that though, I did my best to give him another shot because of course I'm a very forgiving person and I like to think that everyone deserves more than one chance.

We talked things through, he apologized for what he did last time and we seemed to have had a good understanding. Afterwards, we discussed giving a relationship a try and I was completely for it feeling no obligation otherwise. We've known each other since we were 14 and 15 years old (we're now 24 and 25) so of course, he's someone I already knew.

He was very polite, he was being a complete gentleman, we talked and bonded and I was really digging it and I finally thought I was seeing the change in him...again so I thought..

Not even a full 24 hours in, he was tagging me quite a bit in some posts that had romantic quoted and at first I thought it was really sweet until shortly afterward, it became very obsessive and would happen all throughout the day and everyday.

Of course, anyone would find this annoying but for those of you that don't understand how quiet introverts work, yes some of us are very open to love and relationships however we hate obsessive and clingy behavior to the point it freaks us out completely and unfortunately that is the case for me.
I did try to explain that to him (of course there's no screenshot of that because it was over phone call) and it seemed like he understood however, I could tell that he had an attitude about me addressing it. At that point I started to notice that he was very cold overall and just seemed slightly uninterested.

So knowing me, I like to ask the hard questions because I believe that a challenge is important and it will reveal who you're dealing with. I asked him what the future goal between us would be since of course we're both in different states (I moved out of the same state with him 3 years ago) and what exactly did he want out of the relationship. Now when we first discussed this, it was the very cliche answers of "you're strong, you're beautiful, you're smart, you're a good mom, etc."

However when I asked him this time, his answer changed and it turned into "I wanted to make up for not being with you when I had the chance". For me, that was not a very valid answer and it made me rethink things a little. I'm not trying to be with a guy that feels as though he needs to be with me to make up for lost times, but rather I want to be with someone who actually sees a future with me.

So when I didn't accept his answer, he got very hostile. When i would try to talk to him, he would constantly cut me off and mumble things under his breath in the background while I would be speaking. That's when it went from a discussion to an argument. I was constantly asking him over and over to speak his mind to me and tell me how he really felt about me and he was just very dismissive the whole time and being rude saying things like "I'll talk when you shut the fuck up" and he even called me a "bi***".

I was somewhat shocked because I couldn't understand how a simple conversation would turn this much into a full blown war, then again I had to remind myself that all he was doing was exactly what he did before that made me stop talking to him.

Afterwards, I hung up the phone because I don't believe in arguing with men nor was I about to do it over the phone to that extent. He completely was not listening to me and I knew that there was no way I could get through to him. After hanging up, this is what I had to deal with:

Part 2: Nice Guys Arent Actually Nice
Part 2: Nice Guys Arent Actually Nice

And no, it did not stop there because he then proceeded to email me from 4 DIFFERENT EMAIL ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS completely harassing me knowing that I clearly no longer wanted to speak.
He also made Facebook posts tagging my name but i blocked him immediately, so unfortunately I didn't think to screenshot them and no I will not be unblocking him because he is crazy and I've dealt with this same exact behavior from my abusive ex and at this point, I fear for my safety.

Again this is no to bash men, however I tell these stories and show these things to raise awareness. Ladies, if you are going through these things, please take all measures to keep yourself safe and remember even if they may seem nice, it isn't always what it's cut out to be. There are certain behaviors and signs to look out for, so never be afraid to ask questions because your safety matters❤️

If you or anyone you know that may be a suspected victim of domestic violence, please contact the national domestic violence holiness today:



Part 2: Nice Guys Aren't Actually Nice
6 Opinion