5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.


These are what i refer to as shit tests. It shows an extreme lack of maturity and honestly are strong indicators or what the future will be with this person, and strong indicators of mental disorders like BPD and NPD, as well as codependency.

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

5. Initiating Texting first. women will use this as a type of measure to see how interested a man is in her, so many women will want you to always initiate with a good morning text, text through the day, be responsive to her texts within like an hour, and even if she goes hours without texting you back, you know the expectation is really uneven and then lastly a good night text to top it off. Most men don't like this because many of them do have demanding jobs, and they really can't always be responsive within an hour, and they would really prefer a woman to understand that and not use it as a measure of his interest because that's just not accurate honestly.

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

4.The Choosing her test. This is a big one to look out for. Women will usually utilize this pretty early on in relationships and in dating. Women unfortunately, a lot of them want to quickly become the number one priority in a man's life which is not healthy, so in order to test this many women will look for the opportunity to make him choose her over something else that is important to him whether it's a hobby friends or family. Guys what this could look like is her claiming that she can only see you on Saturday early afternoon although she knows that that's when you go golfing with your friends every weekend. Men could totally miss this one because it seems genuine on her part if she has a busy life, but guys it's unlikely that she can't move things around within an entire weekend, so men, when they catch this test, they don't like it, because they want to develop a loving partnership with a woman that isn't going to expect him to sacrifice other things that he really enjoys outside of her, and as a man he also wants her to have things outside of the relationship that brings her Joy so that she doesn't look to the relationship for everything.

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

3. I call this the effort test. With this one there is a variety of items that are tested in this category, but it can include a man's effort in planning dates, how he dresses on that date, and how much money he spends on her. Some women will still expect a dinner date as the first date, and if he suggests anything less, she considers it low effort, and he essentially fails the test, instead of her just telling him that she prefers a dinner date. The problem with this is that a lot of men do prefer a simpler first date. That's what I recommend and that's is actually what I always preferred and I think there are a large group of women that also do prefer this and it's because it tends to be more relaxed, and you can get to know a woman and a man's personality to see if there is any attraction there, and attraction can be determined within seconds of meeting. No one wants to sit through an awkward one to two hour dinner date, when you already know there's no attraction. As far as all the other things that can indicate effort, there are a lot of things that he chooses to do with planning the date and getting ready, and paying that he happens to choose simply, because he enjoys those things. Like he might really enjoy that five dollar burger place, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't like her any less than the guy that wants to pay for her thirty dollar burger, because that's what he prefers. Most men don't like this as a test because it's not an accurate measure sure of how much effort and interest they have towards a woman. So they just don't like it when a woman is pulling more from it than what there really is.

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

2. The jealousy test. this is when a woman will talk openly about other interested guys, and possibly exes not completely out of their life. Essentially talking about this man's competition and even worse, she might take actions, like she might go out with girlfriends and do things or not do things like giving text updates, in order to see how jealous her man gets, and if he gets jealous, it means he cares about her. Men hate this because although they are naturally competitive, they feel that she is choosing to entertain other men, and that is simply an unattractive look, its also extremely manipulative. He wants to pursue her and he's okay with other guys maybe trying, because he already knows that because this is a desirable woman, that there are other men that want her, but when she shows him these other men, she talks about them, it means that these other men are drawing her attention successfully, and that is what's unattractive, because he doesn't want her attention to be anywhere else while he's investing in her. It makes him want to withdraw. He doesn't want to continue to invest in someone that is just keeping her eyes open for all the options.

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.

1. And lastly The Loyalty test. This can be small to huge, it can go as far as hiring somebody to slide into his DMS to literally test his loyalty within the relationship. Men don't like this because the bottom line is that it means that she doesn't trust him, even though he's probably given her no reason to not trust him, and because it's such an unnatural setup, he's bound to say or do something that is wrong in her eyes. Even going as far as him just responding to the DM she could see that as an automatic fail even if he clearly rejects the girl's advances. So it's really most likely going to result in bad feelings within the relationship. Any sort of loyalty test is a no win. So no win like its very unlikely that a man will actually pass this at all, and honestly I think that most women that are putting men through this loyalty test, she either has a history of being hurt in the past, and she really thinks that this is a real solution, but she's really just kicking herself in the butt, because no relationship is going to survive through this, and men don't like it, they don't want this unhealthy Dynamic. In my own personal experience, the moment she tries this kind of test, its an instant breakup/dump...

Bottom line guys, avoid manipulative women who choose to employ relationship tests, it will save you a huge amount of stress.

5 Tests That Women Use On Men, That Men Should Stop Tolerating While Dating.
44 Opinion