Have you ever felt instant chemistry with someone? Do you think both people feel it?

I ran into an old friend at the store and I have always thought he was attractive but for some reason when I saw him I just instantly felt happy and could not stop smiling. It was so good to see him and I instantly started wondering how he had been and what he had been up to. Our interactions began escalating from liking photos to commenting on Facebook posts and now we are starting to flirt with eachother. Is it all because of that meeting? Just seeing eachother? My mom was with me and she said she thinks he likes me because of the way he was looking at me. (Even though I looked liked a mess haha). My question is, when you feel this instant attraction, is it usually a mutual thing? I hope so. Haha. Thanks for your input. :)
It's usually mutual.
It's probably a one way feeling.
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Have you ever felt instant chemistry with someone? Do you think both people feel it?
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