Is he ghosting me or is he just taking space I said I would give?

I dated this guy for a couple of months and we hit a bit of turbulence. We started seeing each other too much, he thought I wanted a serious relationship so tried to give me the im not ready for something serious talk. I got upset bc i wasn't there yet either and felt like him having that convo made it hard for me to be comfy in our relationship.

The last text I sent him last Thursday was:

"I really love spending time with you.. Hanging out.. Joking around and feeling close. Getting to know you over the past couple months has been awesome and I've enjoyed your sweet, genuine, positive, fun energy. Im kind of a sucker for closeness and really like being able to interact without fear on either side. For me, i definitely get easily scared when things are slightly off and feel unsafe so sorry if I've been off lately. I'm just really sensitive to feelings and if there is a sense of closed-offness I just get really uncomfortable and nervous even though I know you'd never intentionally hurt/disappoint me. Anyways, I can sense things are off between us so I'll leave you alone for the time being. Hope you know I'm here if you need to talk about anything."

I meant what I said. I wanted him to not feel pressured by me and our communication had been off.

But he never replied.. Its been a week now.

Is he gone or just thinking?

His complaints were 1) he didn't want to spend so much on dates 2) i just got out of a 5 yr relationship so he didn't want to jump into anything 3) he wasn't looking for something serious
Is he ghosting me or is he just taking space I said I would give?
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