Guys, do you care whether a girl has thigh gap?

Guys, do you care whether a girl has thigh gap?
Obviously, these girls have smokin' hot bodies, but they would still be smokin' hot if they didn't have the thigh gap. If a girl doesn't have a thigh gap, it would be stupid for her to kill herself with diets and exercise just to develop a thigh gap. . . because I think most guys don't notice and/or don't care. Chicks are out there worrying about nonsense so let's be honest and tell them what we think about thigh gap.
What is a girl?
What is thigh gap?
If a chick doesn't have a thigh gap, she has no chance with me.
I'll put up with no thigh gap if she has enough pleasant other features.
I might notice a girl's thigh gap but it doesn't make a difference to me.
I don't even notice whether a girl has a thigh gap.
By the time I notice whether a girl has thigh gap, it's too late; I already like her or I don't.
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Guys, do you care whether a girl has thigh gap?
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