Ladies would you ever date a MGTOW guy?

do women really think really negative of these guys?

I always heard that women like bad boys because supposedly they always what to be that "special one" who changed that bad boy, etc. but oh well if that myth was true wouldn't it be easier to change an MGTOW guy? I mean after all MGTOW guys are not bad boys, they aren't advocate of violence against women, they are just guys who know there are a lot of better things to live for in this life
Yes why not
absolutely no!
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hey everyone thank you for all your honest answers. lol oh well I would of never guessed that people view MGTOW guys from such a distorted point of view.

anyways the answers I've gotten here had inspired me to write this article...

I was wondering if you guys can please check it out whenever you had a chance
Ladies would you ever date a MGTOW guy?
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