Men are like microwaves and women are like crockpots?

So, I had a realization about my life and my low confidence level. I was friends with this girl, it was purely platonic. We kissed once at like 16 lol, but I discovered last year that she is schizophrenic and her family did all they could to hide it from everyone. Without realizing it, she impacted my dating life. I think because well one she has mental health issues and and two even when she takes her pills I think she is afraid that some girl will see through her and cut her from my life.
She has done many underhanded things girls that I liked and then would do the typical "you'll find someone some day" bs. But of course in her own love life she is like Tom Brady
I stopped talking to her and was thinking about possibly talking to some of those girls she scared off and explain all this to them, does anyone think it is worth it? I'm leaning towards yes because I can't think of a girl that can stand her, she has scared so many of her girl friends away too. So what do you all think?
Men are like microwaves and women are like crockpots?
1 Opinion