Guys, Is he avoiding me or is he really just sick?

So I've been talking to this guy for a little over 2 months, we've hung out two wknds in a row. Had amazing sex and an amazing connection. He said we were officially together Friday night but we were pretty drunk and the next morning we were both pretty hung over so I never brought it up. However through out that Friday night I kept asking him are you sure? And he assured me yes. Well he texted me a little here and there Saturday. Then nothing Sunday or yesterday till I finally gave in and texted that night. He responded with 'sick been in bed all day' I said aw, feel better. Well i ended up texting him again simply asking if we were ok, and mentioned that you said we were together but you were drunk so wanted to make sure it wasn't a fluke in judgement, because i dont want to come off as clingy. He never responded. Also i have to add that he has his read receipts turned on and he still hasn't read my message. Im not gonna text him anymore and give him space because he could just be really sick and i dont want to scare him off because I really like him.
Guys, Is he avoiding me or is he really just sick?
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