He smiled instantly when he saw me?

So the last time I had seen this coworker was on Monday, and we didn't work again together until Saturday. we work in a restaurant, and I was just standing by the counter when he walked by, he looked up and saw me and instantly smiled and said my name. I said hi. And he said "hey. I haven't seen you in forever".

Is this a sign that he likes me?
Usually when this happens with other coworkers, they don't make comment on it much. I had another male coworker who I hadn't worked with in like two weeks and all he told me was "hey I thought you quit". Lol. No big smile or anything.

Also, later in our shift, a girl that was new asked me what's the most painful tattoo that I have. I have visible tattoos on my arms. And I told her it was my underboob tattoo. And my crush said, "show it to me?" And I accidentally nodded yes. I caught myself and said "hey!"
Then the new girl asked me what it was of and I told her I'd show her a photo of it later (it was a clean photo. No boobage. I censored it with a black box) and then my crush (still easdropping in the convo) said, "okay. I'll see it later then".

Could he like me? He also said he's quitting in a couple of months.
He smiled instantly when he saw me?
1 Opinion