You finally meet your online girlfriend and she has bunions? yuk?

is that a complete turn off?
Do guys care about this?
They're not huge bunions, but they are mild bunions and you can see them if she's barefoot.

Would you rather her have had surgery to remove them before she met you or after or you don't care if she has the surgery or not and don't care she has this?

My boyfriend wants to meet me already but I want to have the surgery first.
If I have the surgery, I have to wait about 4 or 5 months before we meet.
He does not know I have this and I do not know if he minds this at all.

What do most guys think about this?
Should I go meet him like this or WAIT until after? without telling him it is because of this.
Complete turn off. I wouldn't stay with her.
Somewhat of a turn off, I prefer if she had had surgery before she met me.
I don't really care, and don't mind if she has surgery or not.
It's a turn off but i'll stay with her and hope she gets surgery.
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i. imgur. com/ZznKvBC. png
I can't post a photo but This is a bunion
You finally meet your online girlfriend and she has bunions? yuk?
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