I don’t understand men, what does he want from me?

This is the second time I’ve dealt with this situation. My ex and I would have sex on weekends because he’d be away during the week (truck driver). After a while it seemed like he would only contact me on Thursdays or Fridays when he knew it was time to meet up. So I started to feel like he was using me for sex. So we broke up but kept having sex with each other. But then he kept getting in his feelings saying he loves me more than I love him and how he’s hurt that I don’t him contact him throughout the week and that I only come by to have sex and then I leave (which is literally what he was doing anyway). So then we started moving towards being in a relationship again but after a few weeks, he went right back to using me for sex so I just stopped talkin to him altogether.

now I’m talkin to this guy and I made it clear that I don’t want to be in a relationship so we’ve been just having sex for two months and then he started getting in his feelings and asked to be with me. He also said something alone the lines of he wants me to himself. So I figured fine I’ll give it a shot since I like him and the only really I don’t want to be in a relationship is because I’m damaged. This a long story but not even two weeks after being in a relationship with this guy, I find out he’s takin to two other girls. He admitted to it and said that he didn’t care about them and I was his number one... blah blah blah. So I ended things and told him we should go back to how we were before, but we gotta be more serious about using protection. So he agreed but Now he’s asking me all over again to be in a relationship and I’m just confused. Guys keep saying they want a relationship relationship but it seems like they just want sex. But when I give them JUST SEX, they want a relationship! 😩I’m so annoyed.

what should I do? Do guys even know what they want
I don’t understand men, what does he want from me?
4 Opinion