Is it true that if a man doesn't like Beyonce he doesn't respect women?

So, my boyfriend of about 3 months mentioned he dislikes Beyonce and her music, and I told my best friend and she was all "uh oh, look out, men who dislike Beyonce have no respect for women" and I asked her why and she said "Beyonce is the ultimate female icon, she's everything a woman should be and should want to be, and thus by not liking her he has no like or respect for women"

Is this true or is she full of crap?
Yes, it's true
No, it's not true
Other (please explain)
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Thanks everyone, I was fairly sure it was wrong, my friend tends to be a man hater so that’s probably part of it.
Is it true that if a man doesn't like Beyonce he doesn't respect women?
30 Opinion