My crush wants me to meet her friends. Is this a good or a bad sign?

I used to date this girl before my country went into lockdown. We got lost but as things began to settle down, we got back in touch. We text in a flirty manner and when we're together we're not acting as friends (touching, getting closer than is considered normal etc.), but she now keeps calling me her "friend". and on one occasion mentioned a guy she's interested in dating.

I was confused, so I decided to test something out. At some point, I mentioned another girl I knew without telling her whether my relationship with her was romantic or platonic. She immediately seemed concerned. When I mentioned she kinda looked like her, she asked to see a photo of hers and then got a little bolder with the flirting.

The other day we were talking and she said she wanted me to meet her 2 closest friends, so we arranged to meet up tomorrow. Everyone familiar with dating will tell you that if you suggest someone out they mention bringing other people along, it means they're not interested. The thing is we've gone out multiple times on our own, so the same logic doesn't apply here.

I still can't decide whether that's something I should be worried about or if it means she's looking for something more serious with me. What do you think?
My crush wants me to meet her friends. Is this a good or a bad sign?
4 Opinion