Should I feel bad about myself?

I am 24, female, rent my own apartment and live by myself. I am completely self sufficient.

I am a trainee lawyer however I am training in an area I do not like. I work in an environment where 99 percent of other people specialise in a different area to me and really look down on my area of law. This makes me really sad and impacts my self esteem. It's a long story but I didn't choose to specialise in this area.
I am also the youngest colleague by 7 years.

I am frequently told at work that I am glamourous and I do get hit on - but not by the guy I like. I fear that the guy I like looks down on me because of my area of specialism and because I rent, even though he's 7 years older than me.

I just feel that my life is a mess. I chose this job as the alternative was to move out of the county and at the time I was asked to make this decision I was in quite a serious relationship and my boyfriend's dad had just died. However, said boyfriend dumped me a few months later anyway and broke my heart.
Should I feel bad about myself?
11 Opinion