Poor communication and trying to make plans?

Long story short I've been trying to make plans with this girl for 2 weeks but she is a terrible communicator.

I asked her out previously and she said she was excited and agreed but had a busy schedule and would let me know by the end of the week. She didn't contact me for 2 weeks, so I reached back out to her in a Hail Mary. She responded but made no mention of the date. I told her she was sending me mixed signals and if she wanted to still go out, great. If not, not a big deal but I want to respect both our times and not invest in something that won't go anywhere.

She insisted she's interested so I proposed a day, time, and location for a date 4 days ahead. She said she has a lot of time sensitive stuff to take care of but would let me know the day of. Of course, she was busy.

I know she is actually legit really busy right now but the lack of communication about availability is making it super hard on me. Should I just wait for her to plan something then? Move on?

She knows I'm interested, she says she is, but the logistics of making this happen are turning me off. I already called her out on the mixed signals once, so she is aware.
Poor communication and trying to make plans?
1 Opinion