Guys help - is it a bad signs if a guy says “don’t be shy” to a girl ?

I like a guy in my class. He doesn’t know yet. We message mostly about school related stuff and he messages me right away ! When we were working in group project he was explaining me things and then he said “ don’t be shy”.. I told him I’m not shy then he said ok I’m going to let you win today.
Well I’m a quite girl and maybe appear as shy I’m not sure but I’m told a lot in my life that I’m quite! I call myself an “introvert” but not necessary shy!
Problem is that I like this guy and now I feel dumb to talk to him because he mentioned it to me 2x not to be shy or be confident!
Is it a sign he doesn’t like me? Or is it a sign that he is not really attracted to me? What do you guys think …
Guys help - is it a bad signs if a guy says “don’t be shy” to a girl ?
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