Should I take this as a bad sign and cut off contact with him?

I met this guy a few months back and it was clear he was interested in me. We live about 4 hours away from each other, so when we left and went back home texting was the main form of communication. We lost contact for a bit when he ignored one of my messages for over a week and then didn't make any effort to reach out again for months (I have had to have quite strong boundaries with texting as they have been messed around by boys who say they're 'just bad texters' but in the end, it has ALWAYS been something personal to me). He reached out again under the pretence of learning something related to my degree and wanting my help and we never lost touch since. We met up just over a week ago and things were great - there was some flirting and it all seemed ok. His texting changed massively almost straight after and we were having conversations with our replies bouncing straight off each other... We spoke about the texting, and he told me that even if he really likes someone he can not reply or take ages to reply and then not reply in the end 'just because' and because he often forgets - I said that I was the same (thought that cleared it all up). I told him I would be visiting a friend that lives an hour away so before going home I could go up to see him, he asked me what the date would be and when I gave it to him and he left me on delivered for just over a day and eventually opened it and never replied... The last time we met up I told him I would be in his area and he agreed to meet up and never replied to the follow-up question but was super excited to see me... (it was just his bad texting at that point genuinely). But I'm just a bit uncomfortable with the fact he never replied to the date when he asked for it... I don't want to lose contact over another text misunderstanding, but how is it hard not to take this a certain way? What do I do without a) seeming psycho, b) possibly causing another misunderstanding

Should I take this as a bad sign and cut off contact with him?
Post Opinion