Did/do/would you ever discuss pregnancy with your partner before engaging in sexual activities?

I'm curious on how this possibly life altering, possibly relationship ending subject is being handled by the general populus, since in what little I recieved for sex-ed in school or at home, this aspect has never been addressed with any sense of importance, if at all.
Afterall an "accident" could easily turn into a fight, ending with life long and/or legal consequences, if the parties involved have different ideas on how to handle it.
As someone who absolutely doesn't want to have children, at least I wouldn't wanna miss out on that kind of talk beforehand. (if I'll ever get it on with a girl, that is)
So, what about you? Got any wisdom on the matter to share?
Always, with every partner I ever had and/or gonna have, because I don't want to leave anything to chance.
Yes, ever since I learned how serious a matter it is and how difficult aftermath can be. I've learned it the hard way.
When I doubt that my new partner shares my views on the subject and I distrust our methods of contraception. Luckily it never became a problem so far.
Only if my new partner wants to discuss it. I don't care what happens, since I'm fine with whatever.
I haven't thought about this stuff until now, but I guess I should?
Never. Sex is all I'm usually in the game for and such talk just ruins the mood. I'll just deal with it (or rather not) if it ever happens.
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Did/do/would you ever discuss pregnancy with your partner before engaging in sexual activities?
1 Opinion