Losing my mind about this situation?

Ok, so there is this newer girl I met at my job (grocery store) she’s extremely pretty and just yesterday at closing we spent pretty much an hour walking around the store just talking about stuff and whenever I left her side to go do some work she’d either follow me to where I was or insist I come to her. By the end of my shift when I was certain I’d go further in pursuing her by getting her number some how the topic of ages came up and me as a 22 year old found out she’s a junior (16/17) in HS. I played it cool still talked to her but instead of pursuing further I just left when my shift ended. Today we seen each other and pretty much just said hello and kept it pushing but I for some reason can’t get her out of my head what are your thoughts on the situation and what’s your advice for me?
Losing my mind about this situation?
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